August 2012 Bulletin
EDITORIAL: August, 2012
Welcome to the first issue of our re-invented "The Bulletin". Having missed publication once between 1987 and
2010 and considering the skyrocketing increase in social media along with the failure of younger generations to
read newspapers andmagazines, The Bulletin feil silent for 2 years. Of course, if Martin Hamm had not insisted
on retiring it would still be going. During the past year there have been some discussions. about communication
with membership, the public and the media and frorn that it became apparent that not everyone in our club
reads only what they find on-line and not all newsworthy material is found only on-line. Therefore, in an attempt
to serve all members and to return to letting the public know that we exist it has been decided that "we" should
resurrect The Bulletin.
After consultation with Don Urquhart & Martin Hamm, it seemed I was the only one left to be lassoed into editing.
They may regret that day! Our intention rightnow is to consider The Bulletin as our club and members collective
story. We want it to be available at meetings for every member to take and read. We want it to. entertain, inform
and instruct. We want it available to the public and as most of us volunteer or work sornewhere we want to see it
taken to our offices, workplaces and homes. We want it on our website and we will attempt to e-mail it to those who
only read screen images.
In the past, this publication was published at no cost to the club. We intend to attempt to repeat that management
style by offering an annual ad to members and their businesses for a very small fee - just enough to offset the cost
of publication.
The only way a project such as this works is by, participation - therefore we will need your help. Short (publishable)
stories about members, club and community projects you or your comniittee is involved with, short reports from every
committee chair and eveninformation about your business, profession or company.
The Yunesit'in Literacy project is coming to a conclusion and we extend our heartfelt appreciation to those who
participated and helped make it a reality. You should know that you are true Rotarians who fully understand Service
Above Self for even though you may not fully support the actual project you got out there and supported the club
in a very important project for that community!
Ken Thibaudeau - Our Charter President When the Williams Lake Rotary Club was organized in 1964, Ken Thibaudeau was elected as its first president At that time Ken was the owner and manager of the Alston Theatre, a business which he had purchased a few years earlier and which prompted his move to Williams Lake Ken, along with Bruce Hooker, who was the manager of B C Equipment in Williams Lake, were the two people responsible for organizing the new club Both were former Rotarians, Ken in Quesnel and Bruce in Prince George Ken was born in Alberta where bis father was the province's first school inspector shortly after the province joined confederation in 1905 As a young man Ken started work for the Bank of Montreal in Trail, B C where he met Daisy who was to become his future wife They wanted to get married but the Bank wouldn't allow employees to get married until they eamed a "sufficient" salary He moved to Vancouver where he worked in the branch at Hastings and Granville, but promotions were slow in coming during the depression years ofthe 30's and he was compelled to resign and seek other employment. He found a job with Beath Ford Motors in Quesnel as a bookkeeper. Daisy, in the meantime, had become matron of the old hospital in Williams Lake She and Ken were now able to get married and they moved to Quesnel in 1939 where they lived for twenty years. Ken joined Rotary in Quesnel in 1955 and remained active in that club- until he moved to Williams Lake in 1959 In Williams Lake Ken was a source of information and inspiration in all things pertaining to Rotary right up to his death in 1984 Martin Hamm |
ROTARY FIRSTS 1916— The first Rotary Club in a non-enghsh speaking country - Havana Cuba 1917— The endowment fund was created - now known as The Rotary Foundation 1921 - First Rotary International convention outside of the US - Edinburgh Scotland 1922 - International Association of Rotary Clubs re named "Rotary International" 1923 - First Head of State to address an RI convention - President Warren Harding 1957 - RI established the "Paul Harris Fellows" award for contributions of $ 1,000 to - the Foundation |
THE BIRTHPLACE OF ROTARY The number 711 has a very special significance for Rotary (NO, not in craps') Room 711 ofthe old Unity Building, formerly located at 127 North Dearbom Street in downtown Chicago was the birthplace of Rotary International That historic room, which was the office of engineer Gus Loehr, was the location ofthe first meeting when Paul Harris met with several friends to discuss his idea of a club for professionals and businessmen After much research and dedication by a few Chicago Rotanans the room was preserved and restored to its 1905 authenticity. For years room 711 was preserved as a miniature Rotary museum by Rotarians who contributed annually to the "Paul Harris 711 Club" In 1989 as the Unity Building was about to be torn down members ofthe 711 Club dismantled the room and stored the contents In 1994 room 711 was fully recreated and found a permanent home at the RI World Headquarters in Evanston From that beginning, being "invited" to join Rotary evolved and Rotary clubs began ereeping across North America Selected people whose ideals met the standard Four Way Test of Rotary, no matter what their vocation or professional standing are welcome at Rotary meetings. So, fee! free to wear your business logo or your corporate pin - after all - you were chosen by your fellow club members to become a Rotanan because of your ethics, standards and ideals You were also invited to Rotary because your business or profession represents, as Rotary puts it, "a worthwhile vocation", not something to be hidden. |
Welcome Moritz! We hope you enjoy your year in this strange place. Do not worry, we know the German people love the forest regions but we will let you come to town occasionally. |