Bulletin April 2013

APRIL 2013
“… it seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose of doing good in the world, in charitable, educational or other avenues of community progress…”.
1916-17 RI President Arch Klumph at the RI convention, June 18, 1917.
The question: What if we could put together millions of dollars to fund Rotary projects around the world to improve the lives of millions of people, and possibly even wipe out diseases from the earth!! How important would that be? From those rather grandiose discussions arose the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The stated goal is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Therein arise some questions. Is that statement somewhat presumptuous for a private organization? How do we do it and how important is it?
Later in his 1916-1917 presentation Mr. Klumph pointed out that “The Rotary Foundation is not to build monuments of brick and stone. If we work upon marble, it will perish; if we work on brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon mortal minds, if we imbue them with the full meaning of the spirit of Rotary as expressed in our Objects and with the just fear of God and love of our fellowmen, we are engraving on those tablets something that will brighten all eternity.”
From that auspicious beginning Rotary has come to establish many programs under The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. For example, in our worldwide efforts our foundation supports Scholarships on a Global basis. The Rotary World Peace Fellowships takes 100 scholars to study at one of the six Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict. At our club level, Rotary Clubs often sponsor local scholarships, exchanges, RYLA and many other programs.
Vocational Training Teams permit non-Rotarian business and professional persons to travel between paired Rotary Districts in different countries. (Much like the Rotary Youth exchange our club is involved in but for a shorter period of time).
Humanitarian Programs around the world such as water, wells, health, education, disease control are carried out through the desire of individual clubs with RI support. Global Grants fund small, one time projects with consideration given to those that can be sustained after completion.
Of course, we are all aware of the Polio Plus Program. How audacious to even discuss the possibility of eradicating Polio from earth, never mind actually take on the task. Well, The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International took it on. About 20 years ago the work started. Today we are nearly there. Polio remains just a 16 hour flight from Vancouver but we are making progress. This incredible journey started because Rotary reviewed the efforts to eradicate smallpox and applied the learning with support from the World Health Organization.
Through our own club involvement in Every Rotarian Every Year contributions, plus the generous contributions made directly by our members we are indeed a valuable component of the Foundation efforts. There are a very many other ways The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International contributes to the betterment of mankind in our world. Check the RI website for scores of worthwhile projects worldwide.
2013, the year of The Snake
2013, the year of the black Snake began on February 10th shortly after the New moon in Aquarius, the humanitarian of the zodiac. This 2013 year of Snake is meant for steady progress and attention to detail. Focus and discipline will be necessary for you to achieve what you set out to create. The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal Signs. It is the enigmatic, intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animals Signs. Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means that your family will not starve.
The Common Character of People Born in the Year of Snake:
People born in the Year of the Snake are reputed to be thoughtful and wise and to approach problems rationally and logically, seldom instinctively. Such people are complex beings, they are clever and men of few words from their birth. Their business is always going well, but they are stingy very often. They are sometimes egoistic and conceited. However they can be very active in their friends’ life. They are often too active, not believing other people and relying only on themselves. Snakes are also very insightful and naturally intuitive.
If anyone has a sixth sense, it's those born in the Snake year. This is partly what makes them so mysterious. Snakes come in all varieties of colors and patterns. And maybe that's why people born in the Snake year love to appreciate beauty. People with the Chinese zodiac snake sign are very stylish, fashionable and have exceptional taste.
People born in the Year of the Snake also have a sure touch in money matters but are also inclined to be greedy and somewhat egoistical. Determined and ambitious characters of Snakes take their failures hard. They are usually very attractive on the outside and inwardly, that, taking into consideration their frivolity, can lead to some family problems. 2013 Snake need to watch for fanatical commitments since Snakes inclination to spend money quickly than earn them may produce tensions in personal relationships. Create a safe space to work from this 2013 year. The Snake likes protection, needs to feel safe and secure to utilize its special analytical skills.
To most people who knew him, Martin Hamm was exceptional. There were so many things about Martin that made him great. His mind was like a steel trap. He would pick up on every word, then, he might ask questions. Serious questions! He would want to know your source, he would want to digest your point, he would want to examine how you arrived at your opinion. Then, he would eventually pass some sort of judgment on your opinion – always in a kind and obviously interested manner. Martin could remember things that had happened before most of us were born and he could frequently cite details that had long ago escaped many of us. Martin was asked at one meeting who our club’s first Sgt @ Arms was. He thought for a moment and came up with the name and, in true Martin style, had a story to tell about him. His ability to recall people, things and events from so long ago always reminded us of his high intelligence and explains in part why he was so admired by all.
There is a social web site called ASK. Well, we didn’t need it. We had Martin. We knew we could ask nearly anything and Martin would have an idea, a story, the facts and nearly always some anecdote. His ability to recall detail from the far past was astounding. Martin could always find the answer. And, when he wanted to make a strong point he had a way of adding emphasis through a small shake of his finger. When it came to heavy club discussions about some project or another and we turned to Martin, he would be so pleased to provide a rebuttal.
Martin was a man of exceptionally high integrity. Him, we simply trusted & relied upon. Martin was very involved and in tune with his community. His interests went well out beyond his love for Rotary. He loved his lunches with old and young cronies like Barry Sale, Elmer Thiessen, David Dickson and his other trap line mates. Martin did, occasionally, feel the need to set someone straight during a conversation. As I understand it, during one conversation Martin once reminded David Dickson that “David, you can be a fire hydrant, or you can be a dog – but you cannot be both.”
Martin’s penmanship was beautiful. With the dullest lead pencil, Martin would make notes or write instructions in a flowing hand. I wonder if he had his pad and paper beside the bed as he slept. You can be sure of one thing, when Martin offered advice it was always well thought out and mostly graciously given. Wherever in Heaven Martin is today, they are no doubt heeding his advice!
Martin Hamm was a true friend, a gentleman and a wonderful mentor to everyone in our Rotary Club. Martin cared about every member. You could tell, by his sincerity.
We loved Martin. We loved his wit. We loved his kindness. We loved – and sometimes envied – his mind and his careful attention to the detail of our club. Martin demonstrated how to show respect and how to sincerely serve. Three weeks before his passing, on March 4th, our Executive Committee voted to work toward creating a new Scholarship in Martin’s name – The Martin Hamm Higher Education Award. It is sad that he did not live long enough to hear the announcement. He would have been graciously thankful. We would all do well to forever remember him and the inspiration he gave us.
Angela Ammann Lawyer
Mike Austin Investments
Wade Beaulieu Insurance
Willy Berger Real Estate
Jack Burgar Retired
Jay Cheek Accountant
Walt Cobb Renovations
Dan Derksen Eye Care
Dave Dickson Community
Doug Dodge Surveyor
Lorne Doerksen Auto Sales
Keith Dufresne Forestry
Karen Eden CFDC
Nancy Giesbrecht TRU
Brian Goodrich Computing
Don Goodrich Surveyor
John Hack Computing
David Hall Investments
Tom Hoffman Forestry
Glen Holling Real Estate
Denise Ivens Banking
Cameron Johnston Ministry
Randy Kadonaga Ministry
Bevan Koch Auto Sales
Chris McGuire Equipment
Bob McIntosh Retired
Ed Mead Retired
Ed Novakowski Retired
Darrell Orosz Forestry
Bob Piderman Investments
Dave Polak Auto Sales
Ray Sanders TRU Director
Linda Symynuk Tea House
Keith Tjosvold HVAC
Scott Tucker Hardware
Betty Turatus TRU
Don Urquhart Printing
Rod Voth Construction
Guenter Weckerle Lumber
Irene Willsie Womens Care
Uli Wittal Foods
Glenn Woods Retired
Corry Wowk Office Eqpt