Bulletin December 2012
A publication of the Rotary Club of Williams Lake
EDITORIAL: December, 2012
The 2012 Federal Budget announced that the age of eligibility for OAS and the GIS will gradually increase from 65 to 67, as of April 2023, with full implementation by 2029. Individuals who are 54 or older (born March 31, 1958 or earlier) will not be affected by these changes. Those born on or after Feb 1, 1962 will be part of the phase-in period, and will have an eligibility age between 65 and 67. Starting July 1, 2013 for up to five years, the Government of Canada will allow for the voluntary deferral of the OAS pension. This option will provide Canadians more flexibility in their decision making, making sure they have a choice in what is right for them when preparing for the work to retirement transition. The annual pension will be higher if individuals choose to defer, as the pension will be adjusted based on actuarially neutral basis and will not affect the amount of OAS a person will receive in the same lifetime. This new option is attractive for taxpayers who work past the age of 65 and are subject to the OAS claw back.
Major reasons as to why the changes to the OAS program are necessary:
1) Canada’s population is aging. Over the next two decades, the number of Canadians aged 65 and over will sharply increase due to longer life expectancies, as well as the aging of the baby boomers. Seniors will represent 25% of our population by 2030, compared to 14% in 2010. Canada’s working-age population will barely grow.
2) The OAS program, in its current form, is unsustainable. Annual expenditures for OAS are expected to increase from approximately $38 billion (2011) to $108 billion (2030). Currently, 13 cents of every federal tax dollar is spent on OAS benefits. If no changes are made, the projected spending will increase to 21 cents in 2030-31.
3) Changes are required to ensure fairness for taxpayers. Currently, there are 4 working-age Canadians for every senior; in 2030, there will be 2. This results in the younger generation having to be forced to carry a greater tax burden, which could possibly hamper savings as well as our country’s economic future.
4) Canada’s labour market and economy needs to adapt to an aging society to remain strong. Due to the increase in the number of retirements, both Canada’s labour force and its economic growth will slow. burden to a generally active member and without the hassles of trying to creatively accommodate special cases.
We usually associate the 4-way test with a wonderful tool for the Sergeant at arms. In fact, it is a very serious tenant of Rotary. The 4-Way test was created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932 when he was asked to take charge of the Chicago based Club Aluminum Company, which was facing bankruptcy. The struggling company was mired in depression caused financial difficulties.
As part of his recovery plan Taylor drew up a 24 word code of ethics for all employees to follow both at work and at home. This document became the required guide for sales, production, advertising and all relations with dealers and customers. The eventual survival of the company was credited to this simple philosophy.
Herb Taylor became president of Rotary International in 1954-55. The 4-Way Test was adopted by Rotary in 1943 and has been translated into more than 100 languages and published in thousands of ways.
The message has proven its worth not just to Rotary, but to thousands of business men and women around the world who are known for their high ethical standards.
“Of all the things that we think, say or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will It be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Reading, at least in terms of reading books, stories, biographies etc. seems to be not as popular today as it once was. While Rotary has a large focus on literacy as evidenced by our own club’s creation of a library in the Cariboo, there seems to be less active participation in reading.
Several years ago a Canadian cartoonist, Ben Wicks, created a book titled “Born to Read”.
“Born to Read” started with a dedication; “to those tiny ones who, with the help of us all, are reaching for that ultimate treasure, a book.” In 1997 Canada Post along with 17 other major firms in Canada delivered copies to 10,000 schools.
One of Ben’s key focuses in this project was to address the fact that while many children have access to books, their parents are of little help if they are also unable to read.
The book was written in such an interesting and simple way Ben’s book was able to help young parents learn to read right along with their children. For many young parents that opened other doors to help them grow with their child.
Ben was awarded The Order of Canada. Ben’s wife also received The Order of Canada for her work with children in the Third World making them one of very few couples so honoured