Bulletin May 2013

In 1948 Rotary International commissioned a book entitled Service is my Business, and re-printed since. I have the 25th printing dated 1981. I have frequently re-printed portions of it and also found it, occasionally, very valuable to read aloud when, during a meeting, the Sergeant at Arms was stretching for valid fines. Like a vampire charm, it chases him away!
One passage that I find very appropriate, even today, speaks of Work.
A SEARCH FOR MEN: Please allow for the age, (around the 1950’s I believe) and include women as you read the following Wanted ad.
A man for hard work and rapid promotion, a man who can find things to do without the help of a manager and three assistants.
A man who gets to work on time in the morning and does not imperil the lives of others in an effort to be the first out at night.
A man who is neat in appearance.
A man who does not sulk for an hour’s overtime in emergencies.
A man who listens carefully when he is spoken to and asks only enough questions to insure the accurate carrying out of instructions.
A man who looks you straight in the eye and tells you the truth every time.
A man who does not pity himself for having to work.
APPLY ANYWHERE: The world is searching for such men
Conclusions from a study by the Labor and Management Center of Yale University:
The goals of the human organism, whether it house a floor-sweeper or the president of a company, are to gain-
1. The respect of his fellow-men;
2. Material comforts and as much economic security as the most favored;
3. Increasing control of his own affairs;
4. Better understanding of forces and factors at work in his world;
5. A basis for integrity for living.
A CHANGING WORLD: or, What goes around comes around?
In 1957 Clement Atlee wrote: “There is a battle for freedom going on the world over. Our fundamental problem in keeping the peace of the world is to assure that this revolution remains bloodless. This does not have to mean weakening the strong to favor the weak. In 1945 when I became Prime Minister of Great Britain, my country began to solve its colonial problem in the only possible way. The work began in Asia, where India, Ceylon and Burma became fully self-governed independent states. Recently I have the pleasure of visiting India and Pakistan again. It was remarkable how we British who ruled India so long had fallen naturally into the position of friends and not rulers. It is the job of those nations which have attained high industrial output as well as democratic government to help the underprivileged of the world rise above their poverty.”
Rotary’s willingness to help whenever possible, anyone, anywhere in the world so that we might find world peace and understanding. That philosophy is, whether possible or not, perhaps one of the most idyllic goals ever sought.
The “recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations” enjoined by Rotary’s Object acquires an active significance when expressed by the president of a Chinese Rotary Club in the far east:
“The occupation of a cobbler”, he told his club, “with his little rap-atap-tap stand on the street corner, or the show shine boy yelling to you “Shoe shines, Joe?” is just as worthy and dignified as the occupation of any banker with his office luxuriously fitted with paneled walls, telephones, cushions and swivel chairs and all the refineries becoming of his occupation. However humble an occupation may be, it is up to the man to make it worthy and dignified. He asked those members who had the experience of taking a rick-shaw ride without previous bargaining on the price about their experience of paying at the end of the journey. Often the boy would return some of the payment without the member asking. “Why was that?” “Though they are not Rotarians and though their occupation may be humble, they are building on the real foundation of successful business enterprise”. They demonstrate that Business is Service.
Thomas Jefferson also had words about business. “The first chapter in the “Book of Wisdom” he said, “is Honesty”.
More on Work:
If you have been sickened by the Bangladesh disaster and have read a bit about Winston Churchill, you might have related to something he said about enlarging his view of the “Square Deal” to a national scale. Below is an excerpt of part of his comments:
“It is in the interest of the wage earner to have many other alternatives open to him than service under one all-powerful employer called the State. We do not wish the people of this ancient island reduced to a mass of State-directed proletarians, thrown hither and thither, housed here and there, by an aristocracy of privileged officials or trade-union bosses. Our ideal is a consenting union of free, independent families, and homes”.
That speech prompted one British Rotarian to write an article aimed at employers and entitled
1. Are the people in production sure of receiving justice from all grades of management?
2. Have they any sense of security?
3. Is effort made to keep them fit?
4. Do the wages they receive insure the security of decent living?
5. Are they convinced that they will be promoted if they have the ability?
6. Is the paramount incentive, creative activity, aroused?
7. Do they feel the sense of dignity of man in the work they perform?
8. Are they made to feel the sense of duty, to get the spirit of their responsibility and their duty
to the community?
9. Do they realize that the dignity of man means the application of inescapable duties?
The intent of the article was to point out to employers that to establish confidence in the employer’s good intentions it is essential to inspire goodwill and earnest effort.
Next month marks the end of my commitment to President Guenter to provide regular Rotary Education to our members. The BULLETIN, along with some thoughts on our club at meetings, has been my primary source of passing on Rotary education and information.
I currently have no material prepared for June so, perhaps it is time for the Executive, or our members to make some contribution to our last issue this coming June.
Recently, our President, in his infinite idea mode, related a comment about a club that has a good membership however many staggered work hours and therefore poor attendance and weak communication. They addressed that by establishing two weekly meetings. A regular meeting and an evening meeting. Depending upon schedules, any member could attend any meeting. In our club, of 43 members we generally have 24-30 in attendance. Our fearless leader wonders if such a plan might help more members be part of the club operations and generate more support in projects. Of course, he suggested Oliver’s Bar and grill as a good Thursday evening meeting place. In fact, there are several clubs who do similar things. There is even one club I know of that has just one meeting per week and it is indeed held in a pub – so, Guenter’s thoughts could prove beneficial to both our club and our membership.
Hmmmm, wonder if Daybreak members who can not attend their meetings regularly would be a possible addition? It might create some joint projects but regardless, would increase attendance and therefore improve club effectiveness.
Little known facts: Rotarian John Pershing, of San Antonio, was elected an honorary member (when Rotary had such things) of the Rotary Club of St. Louis in a meeting in March, 1919. General Pershing, Commander-in-Chief of the American Forces in France missed a few meetings in later years.
Dr. Gertrude Stanton was elected president of the Minneapolis Women’s Rotary Club in November 1911. The club was made up of women from nearly every line of business in the area and seized an Object of promoting sociability among business women and to work for business advantages
Angela Ammann Lawyer
Mike Austin Investments
Wade Beaulieu Insurance
Willy Berger Real Estate
Jack Burgar Retired
Jay Cheek Accountant
Walt Cobb Renovations
Dan Derksen Eye Care
Dave Dickson Community
Doug Dodge Surveyor
Lorne Doerksen Auto Sales
Keith Dufresne Forestry
Karen Eden CFDC
Nancy Giesbrecht TRU
Brian Goodrich Computing
John Hack Computing
David Hall Investments
Tom Hoffman Forestry
Glen Holling Real Estate
Denise Ivens Banking
Cameron Johnston Ministry
Randy Kadonaga Ministry
Bevan Koch Auto Sales
Chris McGuire Equipment
Bob McIntosh Retired
Ed Mead Retired
Ed Novakowski Retired
Darrell Orosz Forestry
Bob Piderman InvestmentsDave Polak Auto Sales
Ray Sanders TRU Director
Linda Symynuk Tea House
Keith Tjosvold HVAC
Scott Tucker Hardware
Betty Turatus TRU
Don Urquhart Printing
Rod Voth Construction
Guenter Weckerle Lumber
Irene Willsie Womens Care
Uli Wittal Foods
Glenn Woods Retired
Corry Wowk Office Eqpt