Polio Plus Update
Dear Rotarian:
We are pleased to share that today, on Rotary’s 108th anniversary, it was announced at the Vancouver Peace Forum that Canadian Rotarians have raised over $1.6 million for the Pennies for Polio initiative. Thanks to you, we have exceeded our goal of $1 million. This is a true testament to the continued interest and commitment of Canadian Rotarians to Rotary’s priority program. Our funds, as you know, will also be further leveraged by matching funds from the Canadian government and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. By doing this we have ensured vital financial support for global polio eradication activities and we have sent a clear message about the continued commitment of Canadian Rotarians to the goal of a polio free world.
Our government has heard and acknowledged this message. Yesterday, Minister for International Cooperation Julian Fantino and International PolioPlus Committee Chair Bob Scott issued a joint editorial article affirming commitment to the shared goal of a polio free world and today, Minister Fantino announced that the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will match all contributions received above the original $1 million ceiling by Rotarians through the 1 March 2013 deadline. The Gates Foundation has also agreed to continue their match of funds donated by Canadian Rotarians. Based on the $1.6 million in contributions are aware of to date, this already means a total of $4.8 million in additional funding for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
We have one week remaining where every dollar you contribute will be matched by an additional $2. We would encourage you to consider making an additional contribution to PolioPlus in honor of Rotary’s Anniversary prior to 1 March 2013. We are planning to announce a preliminary figure for funds raised by Rotarians through 1 March to Minister Fantino when he attends the Toronto Peace Symposium on 2 March 2013.
We thank you for so clearly demonstrating the unwavering commitment of Canadian Rotarians to global polio eradication and hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to leverage your investment in a polio free world. We also encourage you to express your appreciation for Canada’s continued collaboration with Rotary as highlighted by the extension of this match to your Member of Parliament.
Many thanks for your continued support and collaboration to END POLIO NOW!
Bryn Styles Richard Clarke
Member Chair
RI Board of Directors Pennies for Polio